It’ll be all write on the night

The February meeting of the Scarborough Writers’ Circle was held at Newby & Scalby Library on Tuesday 13 February 2024.  It took the form of a writing craft session led by Diana Campbell.  Members had been asked to bring in a small object to inspire a piece of writing and everyone had fifteen minutes to pick an object, either their own or one that someone else had brought in, and write a short piece about it.  The writers then read their creations out to the group and very entertaining they were.  Most were written in prose but a couple were in poetry form, one a haiku.  After refreshments, the group learned about each object: who’d brought it in and the story behind it. 

At the next meeting, on 12 March 2024, the winners of the Arthur Hastings short story competition will be announced, entries returned with helpful critiques and stories read out by the entrants. Guests are welcome and pay £4 plus £1 if they’d like a coffee or tea at break.  (Over 18s only.) The Circle is open to new members. Please check our website https:/ for further details.

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